As we count down the last few days of school, we are staying busy with many fun activities!
During social studies we have been researching different national monuments. We had the opportunity to go to the computer lab and takes notes from different websites. After researching, we started creating posters to share the fun facts we learned! Here are some pictures to show you how hard we are working on our projects!
**Reminder: If your child chose to create a model of a monument, it is due Friday, May 27th!**
We recently received two carts of I-PODS from our PTO! (Thanks W.E PTO!) During our math block, we had the opportunity to play Everyday Math games on the I-POD. I couldn't believe there was actually an app for Everday Math! Mrs. Magee (technology teacher) has done a wonderful job adding educational apps for students to use! The following pictures show students playing the game Baseball Multiplication!
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