Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Reader's Theater Performances

"Pet Care" Kids
Cast:  Grace, Trevan, Braden, Alexandrea, Ty, Caden, Sevana, Carley, Alex

Phoebe and the Flame Bellied Toad
Cast: Shelden, Josh, Alex, Darrian, Ahtzary, Grant La., Courtney, Grant Lu.

Battle for the Ballot
Cast:  Natalie, Izabelle, Kylee, Braden, Maggie, Braeden, Anna, Tyson, Joel

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Reading with our Kindergarten Buddies!

Throughout the month of May we have been celebrating a successful school year by receiving different surprises each day.  This week one of our surprises included going to Ms. Kragel's room to read with some kindergarten students.  We LOVED reading with them! 


Friday, May 20, 2011

Monument Research and Math Fun with I-PODS!!!!

As we count down the last few days of school, we are staying busy with many fun activities!

During social studies we have been researching different national monuments.  We had the opportunity to go to the computer lab and takes notes from different websites.  After researching, we started creating posters to share the fun facts we learned!  Here are some pictures to show you how hard we are working on our projects! 
**Reminder:  If your child chose to create a model of a monument, it is due Friday, May 27th!**

We recently received two carts of I-PODS from our PTO!  (Thanks W.E PTO!)  During our math block, we had the opportunity to play Everyday Math games on the I-POD.  I couldn't believe there was actually an app for Everday Math!  Mrs.  Magee (technology teacher) has done a wonderful job adding educational apps for students to use!  The following pictures show students playing the game Baseball Multiplication!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Sammy Sloth-Author Visit!

Today (Monday), we had the opportunity to meet author Ryan Sloth.  He is a former Iowa State (Go Cyclones!) and Iowa Barnstormers football player.  He has also acted as a football player in the movies Leatherheads and We are Marshall.  We really enjoyed hearing Ryan read the book he wrote titled: Sammy Sloth, Sports Superstar.  This was a great way to celebrate the ending to our bookworm reading incentive.  Here is Ryan Sloth's website:  Sammy Sloth  Make sure to check it out!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Reader's Theater Performances

Below you will find the April Reader's Theater Performances.  Enjoy the show!!!

Cast: Braeden R., Maggie, Grace, Shelden, Alexandrea

Glooscap Makes The Seasons
Cast:  Ahtzary, Josh, Marcus, Courtney, Allie, Grant La., Grant Lu., Darrian

Wild Weather
Cast: Kylee, Braden S., Anna, Alex, Izabelle, Tyson, Sevana

The Gift Guessing Kid
Cast: Natalie, Joel, Ty, Carley, Trevan, Caden

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Fine Arts Day!

During our Fine Arts Day on Friday we had the opportunity to see a performance by The Des Moines Playhouse and a funny presentation by a local cartoonist.  He taught us some interesting ways to draw faces.  Here are some pictures from our time spent with the cartoonist.

 **Stay tuned for the Reader's Theater Performances!  I am hoping to have the videos uploaded to the blog this week!**