Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Eagle Camera

You may have heard that we have been checking in on the Decorah Eagle's Nest.  At the end of the day, if we have time, I try to put the live video on the screen for the students to see.  According to an article in the Des Moines Register, they expect the eggs to begin hatching sometime this week!
DSM Register Article Link:
Eagle Nest

Eagle Camera Link:

Have fun!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Reader's Theater-The S.H.A Club

Our final Reader's Theater group performed The S.H.A. Club.  Group members include: Grace, Anna, Tyson, Izabelle, Braden, Trevan, and Sevana.  Enjoy the show!

Reader's Theater-The Gingerbread Boy Uptown

This reader's theater group performed The Gingerbread Boy Uptown.  The following students were in this group: Caden, Alex, Braeden, Kylee, Carley, Ty, Joel, Alexandrea, Natalie, and Maggie.  See what the crazy Gingerbread Boy is up to!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Reader's Theater-How Davy Crockett Moved the Sun

This group is performing How Davy Crockett Moved the Sun.  Group Members are:  Grant La., Darrian, Ahtzary, Shelden, Courtney, Grant Lu., Josh, and Marcus.  Have fun watching all of their hard work!